Monday 15 June 2015

Win win Washday and my best Bantu knot out ever!

Oh my Gosh! This is my best bantu knot out ever!! (Twirls 5 times :-)

Now let mi tell you how It went down! (Plays a slow captivating song....)

Hey cuties :-) hope all is well?! Dont mind my intro....lolz.
So I finally took down the twists and it created a twist out but I wasn't really interested in, I just wanted to wash my hair because its been like 3weeks
 and I have moisturised and sealed, oiled my was really dirty

I started by taking down my twists the night before. I also made my okra detangler...let it cool, sieved the liquid into a kinda applicator bottle and added two spoonful of olive oil. Then the next day I put my twist out in a bun and gently finger detangled starting from the back. Putting my hair in 6 Sections.

Washday procedure:
(1) After finger detangling I applied olive oil to the  6 sections I made and covered it with my shower cap for up to I was busy and it was a really lazy washday for me.

(2) Shampooed with VO5 tea tharapy black berry and sage tea revitalising shampoo (whispers..."which is the real name? Tea thairapy or black berry and sage tea??") I used the tea thairapy conditioner at the beginning of my hair journey and loved it...but this shampoo is a bit just slips away before it gets on my

(3) Coffee rinsed with Nescafe classic. I brewed it and left to cool for about 5 hrs. I did the pour...catch...and pour method and then let it sit for 3 mins and rinsed out. Then wrapped my head with towel for an hour.

(4) deep conditioned with VO5 Herbal escapes Pomegranate and Grape seed strengthening conditioner mixed with olive oil. Left it on for about 3 hours. Then rinsed it out.
Note: I just rinse out my DC sparingly...I have never thoroughly rinsed out my DC from my hair. In fact earlier in my hair journey I would add some rinse out conditioner to the water I use to rinse out my DC (I haven't told ya this before right?)

(5) By the time i rinsed out my DC it was pretty late and i was so sleepy so i wrapped my head up with my towel and dived into my bed for a good night rest :-). Next morning my hair was damp and i took each of the 6 twist, finger detangled and Sealed with a coin size amount of olive oil and rolled it up into a Bantu knot.

Here's a comparison pic of shed hair before prepoo and after tea rinse and DC.

The products I used for this washday:

I made 6 Bantu knots with thesame 6 sections I was working with. The partings weren't neat because I just used my fingers

It didn't dry all through that day so I rocked the knots and took them down the next day. For take down I just oiled the pads of my fingers and gently separated the curls.

Truth is....I didn't expect this to look this good. I mean...I used absolutely NOTHING. No leave setting lotions...No holding spray. Just sealed my deep conditioned hair with olive oil. I'm soooo happy with how it turned out!! 

Here are some hits from this washday:
* used only my fingers from start to finish 
* I think my shedding reduced a bit
*No products and jaggered partings but the Bantu knot out came out that good! 

I will definitely do more Bantu knots and next time come up with cute ways to style it :-)

Have a blessed week Dearie's....*much love*


  1. Now that's what am talking about... Thank God you did a tea rinse, hehe! I'm feeling your bantu knots jare,just can't wait to finish my exams and try all these methods. That reminds me, do you make the detangler okro everytime you want to use it or can someone reuse it again without making another?

    1. Yes dear...I'm glad I have started my rinses. Without adding essential oils or preservatives, the first I made on my previous post stayed for 3 days before i used it. But if you would add a preservative...say vitamin E oil or an essential oil i think it will keep for a week. Thats something i should experiment on when i get my hands on some essential oils. For now I only make the detangler just enough for that washday. I used 4 okras to make that quantity. The left over was so little I discarded it. exams went well... I'm hoping for the best :-)

  2. Great definition. How long did it last?

    1. Thanks Tomes :-) My washday was on the 13th put in the knots on 14th and I took the knots out on the 15th so I'm still rocking the Bantu knot out. I'm also eager to see how long the curls would last so I'm gonna give an update on that when the time is due.

    2. It lasted for a week :-) (this reply is so late, sorry about that)

  3. I've tried and failed at bantu knot, so this is hella impressive. And you are so pretty <3

    1. Awww.. Thank you so much Joyce :-) keep trying, you'll get it right sooner than you think.

  4. Gorgeous and great definition!!! Thx for adding your style to our linkup.


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